
Marinated Lemons ~JO

An aromatic marinate to add to your chicken or fish .. by Jamie Oliver..
I have my jar of those amazing marinated lemons and I always add them to my chicken.


1 handful of coriander seeds
1 handful of fennel seeds
whole, black pepper
some whole cinnamon
1 package of coarse sea salt
dried thyme
bay leaves


- Wash the lemons. Cut them almost through - into 4 pieces. Put the spices in a cloth and smash them 3-4 times to release the aroma.

- Put spices in a bowl together with salt, some twigs of thyme and some bay leaves. The salt will suck out the aromas and the juices from the lemons.

- Push the mixture into the lemons - as much as will fit in. Pour some of the salt mixture into a large jar, press as many lemons as possible into it. Put the rest of the salt mixture on top.

- Close the jar with a tight lid, and shake it to spread the salt evenly. It will take about a month to soften the skin of lemons. After this they'll be ready for use.

- You can preserve the lemons up to about 2 years. Cut the lemons into thin slices when using them with your dish as desired.


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